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In the labs šŸ”

What I Do

In the labs: Welcome

Crabs labs

The anatomy and sex of shore crabs - Angelsey North Wales

Suspended particle matter

Post Prince MadogĀ ship - research vessel

In the labs: News & Resources

Unique findings šŸ™

SightingsĀ of octopus emerging from the shoreline up along the Welsh coast has stunned seaside folk.Ā Our own nativeĀ  is the curled octopus and is found all around the British isles. These in particularĀ species can grow up toĀ 50cm in length.Ā Ā The word octopus comes from the Greek, 'oktĆ³pus' meaning 'eight foot'.Ā 
Just like its said in the Finding Dory film, octopus' indeed have 3 hearts; 1 toĀ circulates blood round the body and 2 otherĀ that pump blood through each of the gills.

In the labs: About Me
cat shark.jpg
In the labs: Gallery

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